B C Grocery de Winnipeg

CanadaB C Grocery


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

798 Strathcona St, R3G 3G2, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-783-4006
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8873829, Longitude: -97.1911876

commentaires 5

  • shanda hochstetler

    shanda hochstetler


    so friendly. so great.

  • ESL Teacher Sam

    ESL Teacher Sam


    So convenient when I live on this street super nice owner pretty good selection of items.

  • en

    mike anthony


    I went to buy a smoke and came to know the prices are really high there. so i asked for a cheaper pack and guy replied me in attitude that we don't carry cheaper smoke go to different store.?? by this kinda behaviour they will lose many customers for sure . So my friend took me to different one on St. matthew at Valour store and i must say it was more clean and definately good prices specially smokes and i liked the attitude of the guy works there. I would not suggest to anyone for BC they gotta change there behaviour.

  • Ingrid Knights

    Ingrid Knights


    Called to find out when they were closing and it happened to be at 7 the time I called, they asked me how far I was comming from and that they would wait for me to arrive. Great service!

  • Mikey ICY Melz AKA Tasty Fried Milkshakes

    Mikey ICY Melz AKA Tasty Fried Milkshakes


    Nice lady

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