Ariana Kabab House de Ottawa

CanadaAriana Kabab House



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2677, Alta Vista Drive, K1V 7T5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-731-0666
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.372452, Longitude: -75.662541

commentaires 5

  • Yasmin A

    Yasmin A


    Really good food that has a certain style. Portions are big ( I had the mandi). The seating table had fresh flowers which is such a beautiful touch in my opinion!

  • Mohammed Mnahi

    Mohammed Mnahi


    My daughter love to eat Kabab in this restaurant .. quality and well cooked food always enough and more..getting pricey recently .

  • Budgie Whisperer

    Budgie Whisperer


    Very delicious food including naan and rice. Large portions and amazing salad. Great service.

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    Amanda Estabrooks


    Absolutely delicious! My husband and I had the Tikka Wrap- the meat was well seasoned, the sauce is amazing and the bread is really fabulous. Excellent food and great value!! We will be back!

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    Rico Valdez


    Really not impressed, the kabobs were bad, salad was bland, and the kabob sauce has a giant chunk of goat in it.... Like at least say there is a giant chunk of goat so you want it with or without? We also had to wait almost an hour and it was Dead, I will definitely not be coming back.

Restaurant la plus proche

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