Archambault de Gatineau




🕗 horaire

1100 boulevard Maloney Ouest, Gatineau, QC J8T 6G3, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 819-503-6006
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4763683, Longitude: -75.6982385

commentaires 5

  • Chris Chan

    Chris Chan


    Check your receipts! I got ripped off here. Went in to return a tuner on debit and they sneakily charged me $0.01 instead of returning the amount. Didn't realize until I got my bank statement. I like the establishment, but apparently there's some dishonest employees running around.

  • Kimberly Anne St-Laurent

    Kimberly Anne St-Laurent


    This place had most everything I needed! Thank you Archambault!

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    OK bookstore. The music section isn't very cool. They don't even lend you earphones to test out electronic drums. Ended up leaving... But the book section saves this from being a1 star

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    Michel Auger


    The headquarters of Archambault is in Montreal. For a out of town store, they have a good choice in tv show and cd. You can even buy musical instruments.

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    john bell


    A good little place to enjoy the finer art of music. With a vast selection of anything and everything. 2 separate departments. One for musicians and the other for the rest. Good selection of instruments and gear. Not the best but good none the less.

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