Apple Pacific Centre de Vancouver

CanadaApple Pacific Centre



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701, West Georgia Street, V7Y 1G5, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 778-373-1800
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.283293, Longitude: -123.11754

commentaires 5

  • Nick Nieuwenhuis

    Nick Nieuwenhuis


    Seeing all the bad reviews for this location surprises me. I came into the store thinking I had an appointment, when I had really booked it at another location. They set me up right away, as I needed to get my battery replaced and they have staff dedicated to that. They quoted 2 hours for the replacement, but said they would email when it was ready -- only took 30-45 minutes. Prompt, kind, and quick service.

  • jimit paleja

    jimit paleja


    Great service. Half the people complaining on google maps about the service clearly don’t understand how their own products work and want to blame it on the employees. This store is busy I have to admit but they are efficient and friendly. Got my phone replaced here for free because they repeatedly found issues with the charging port. Been to this store 5 times in the last two years and they’re always great.

  • Maurice Richard Mekies

    Maurice Richard Mekies


    Poor customer service....I’ve always bought apple products but after visiting the apple Pacific Center I don’t think I will anymore ..I was extremely disappointed. My 7 plus phone was splashed with water and shut down they first of all doubted my story and said that it wasn’t covered and that I would have to buy a new phone. It’s all about money there...I even asked if I could get a downgrade so I can afford it and they refused. If you’re looking for good customer service don’t go to the Pacific Center Apple store

  • Greg Taylor

    Greg Taylor


    Very busy location. Best to make an appointment ahead of time if you're planning to get repairs/service done, or if you're coming in for a course or info session. There are plenty of staff here though, and everyone I've dealt with has been super friendly. I mainly use Android though, sorry not sorry.

  • Liz Gleadle

    Liz Gleadle


    They fixed my dead phone battery by giving me a new phone (which is great!) but of the couple of times I went in there some of the staff just wasn't all that good at customer service. With other products/stores I wouldn't care too much... But when I'm leaving my phone, which has all my personal information on it, in a store overnight... I'd like to feel like I'm leaving it with someone I had a good experience with, not just an alright one.

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