Alpine Motor Inn de Abbotsford

CanadaAlpine Motor Inn


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32111, Marshall Road, V2T 1A3, Abbotsford, Fraser Valley, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-859-3171
site web:
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Latitude: 49.0389949, Longitude: -122.3342419

commentaires 5

  • Hubba Dang

    Hubba Dang


    Probably the trashiest hotel I've ever stayed in. Not a good experience in any way shape or form.

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    Nirmal Gill


    Very nice management and staff... Courteous and good customer service...

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    alex paul


    This place is a dump stayed 3 times room 28 no hot water old tv that didn't work room 18 bigger and had hit water sort of but the bed in the second room had bed bugs room 27 no hot water I tried 3 times because I don't have a credit card but got it today I won't be back. Drug addicts running around the parking lot and it's not clean

  • Carl Ostermeier

    Carl Ostermeier


    Well, don't expect much. Me and friends had a total of three rooms. While my room was ok, our friends weren't so lucky. My buddy and his wife got moved at 3am as their neighbours were very loud and they also had no water in the room. Another buddy was woken up by a drug deal that turned sour and someone was banging on his door. As we were in Abby for an archery shoot, he answered the door with an arrow. We wont be going back next year. I'd rather spend more money then go through that again.

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    Mark Lerner


    No phone, no room service cleaning, almost no TV channels. Beds were good. Bath tub very slippery and no bath mat. Too people smoking outside that made the room a smoking smell. Had to ask for extra blankets it was -4.

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