Algonquin College de Ottawa

CanadaAlgonquin College


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1385, Woodroffe Avenue, K2G 1V8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-727-4723
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3483057, Longitude: -75.7562402

commentaires 5

  • Lockedinthebox



    If I could give zero stars I would. I took part in the Computer Systems Technician program and completely regret wasting my time and money. The administration are unhelpful and always pass the buck to avoid doing any time of work and the teachers for the most part don't care about the students. Every semester was a nightmare because the school kept making schedule errors that took me way too much time to correct. My advice to anyone considering this program or school is to run far and fast.




    Nice Place Multi-nationality , very good staff Clean>> Great design Bus station beside the college I like the way of teaching too

  • karan girdhar

    karan girdhar


    I intend to go for Mobile application design and development in diploma course at this college but i need to know the current Ielts requirements.i have visited the official website they mention the score of 6 band overall not less than 5.5, and i got the required score but the issue is many consultant say that they raise the requirement.i have mailed at Algonquin for information about this but only got disappointment. Is anyone out there for offering help?




    A campus lit by vibrant attitudes of students and staff, and has a modern atmosphere, where you can relax, while working, or enjoying a descendant lunch in the seating area. The new building is my favourite place. Classes have a wide range of opportunities for the student, versus practicing at a university.

  • Saif Qadd

    Saif Qadd


    Algonquin College was my home from 2011-2013, I cant believe my College days are gone. This College is one of the best colleges in Canada. Very nice environment, everyone is friendly. Some teachers are here for the money, others are here to help you succeed. I graduated from Robotics Engineering program, one of the hardest programs in the college. I went thru tough and stressful days to succeed, no one supported me, had to do everything my self. I was very young back then and fresh. I wish I go back to college days, best time I will ever have my entire life, every time I go for a visit I cry so much. Farewell Algonquin College.

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