Aldo Outlet de Ottawa

CanadaAldo Outlet



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1371-C Woodroffe Ave F1, Nepean, ON K2G 1V7, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-224-9062
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3497145, Longitude: -75.7604479

commentaires 5

  • en

    SAMSUNG Galaxy


    Kathy (the asian girl)I think her name is amasing very proffetional and supper hard worker.

  • Jessica Fletcher

    Jessica Fletcher


    From entering to leaving the young woman employed by this store to serve customers continued a personal conversation on her cell phone, including while serving me at the cash register.

  • Franco Calvo

    Franco Calvo


    Store never opens on time!!!

  • en

    Jimmy Situ


    Friend went to return something. I didn't buy anything but the person at the cash was amazing. Great customer service.

  • Caleb Calsbeck

    Caleb Calsbeck


    Don't buy shoes here, they carry terrible quality shoes and their policies regards returns are not what you would expect. Your shoe stitching can come apart as your walking out of the store and they will do nothing, not even store credit to make it right.

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