Al Dente Bistro de Saskatoon

CanadaAl Dente Bistro



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2326, Millar Avenue, S7K 2Y2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-244-4024
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.163817, Longitude: -106.6477918

commentaires 2

  • Zack MacGregor

    Zack MacGregor


  • Jeffrey McLaughlin

    Jeffrey McLaughlin


    Those of you who have read my other reviews posted elsewhere know I can be exceedingly harsh at times. In this case, I can describe the establishment in two words. "Hubba Hubba...." In other words dear reader, it is just that good. The food is made from scratch. And why shouldn't it be? It is directly connected to one of the foremost of Saskatoon institutions Prairie Meats. Just about everything the Chef would need is right there and within reach. And Corporate Chef Layne Ardell works a cullenery masterpiece just for you... Is the food fresh? Heck yes...! Is the food tasty? Oh my gosh yes...! Is the food well presented? Oh ya...! The restaurant is clean and tidy whwreever you sit. From what I can see, the kitchen is freakishly spotless (and you can see the entire kitchen and prep area from just about any seat), and the staff, including the chefs, dont seem to mind answering your questions or helping to explain whats on the menu or how it is prepared. This place is wonderful. Come for a meal. Have a business meeting. Enjoy the wickedly decadent aroma of home cooking. Then on the way out, pick up your groceries for the week. I am so very pleased to have happened upon this bistro. And I know you will be too. Ben appetite.....!

Restaurant la plus proche

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