Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam de Calgary

CanadaAhmadiyya Movement In Islam


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4353, 54 Avenue Northeast, T3J 4L3, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-590-8008
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.102013, Longitude: -113.971257

commentaires 5

  • Arslan



  • en

    Tahir Zeeshan


  • josh fraser

    josh fraser


  • Sohail Chaudhry

    Sohail Chaudhry


    Mashallah! Excellent... Great experience... Baitun Nur Mosque (Arabic for “House of Light”) – The largest mosque in Canada located besides the Wind Prairie Park Calgary. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the fifth Khalifa laid the foundation stone of Baitun Nur Mosque on 18th June, 2005. Mr. Dave Bronconnier, Mayor of Calgary at the time, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of this mosque, has said “Canadian values are flourishing in the city of Calgary”. Baitun Nur Mosque construction was completed in 2008 for an estimated cost of C$ 15 million with roughly C$ 8 million of that coming from local Ahmadiyya Muslims of Calgary and great sacrifices were made by them. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the supreme head of worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, officially inaugurated the Baitun Nur Mosque on July 5, 2008. On the grand opening of the mosque with over 5000 people, the Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Stephen Harper, said “Ahmadis are renowned for their devotion to peace, universal brotherhood and submission to the will of God - the core principles of true Islam. They are also renowned for working together to serve the greater good through social, health and education initiatives, as well as mosque projects like this one. And wherever they live in the world, Ahmadis are renowned for participating in the larger community and peacefully co-existing with people of all faiths, languages and cultures”. Therefore, the community strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been holding many Interfaith Symposia and Conferences at Baitun Nur Mosque, Calgary. The Community firmly believes and always promotes its famous slogan; “Love for All, Hatred for None”.

  • Asif Abbasi

    Asif Abbasi


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