After Hours Medical Clinic de Winnipeg

CanadaAfter Hours Medical Clinic


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

878 Main St, R2W 3P1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-586-5592
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9096681, Longitude: -97.133498

commentaires 5

  • Judie Ann

    Judie Ann


    Not everyone experiences the problems mentioned above. People receive the medical attention they need, which is all that should matter. Chose your battles wisely people.

  • en

    mike landers


    I have been going there for years since the turtle clinic dr left havent had a problem wait time was normal, now the clinic next door the dr who left back to his country was a pill pusher he was a small thin dr , dr said i believe now he had people lined up around the block and selling t3s outside the office on the street it was a drug haven everybody was a drug dealer all that was missing was hookers

  • Patricia F

    Patricia F


    Seriously the worst place to go if you are a woman!!!!!

  • Andrea R

    Andrea R


    Place is filthy, staff are incredibly rude, waited for three hours. I didn't dare brave the washroom. Never going back there ever again, disgusting!!

  • Queen Gabriella

    Queen Gabriella


    i was waiting there for hours and everyone was going in before me and they seen me in pain and they still didnt see me like if you where in pain wouldnt you want to get seen, dont go here youll be wasting your time

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