Advanced Plumbing Drains & Heating de Toronto

CanadaAdvanced Plumbing Drains & Heating



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113, Annette Street, M6P 1N8, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-769-8800
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.663571, Longitude: -79.4641

commentaires 5

  • en

    Debra Rosenberg


    Great experience. Called just after 8:30 AM and the plumber was here within the hour. Friendly, professional, and also seemed very knowledgeable. In addition to clearing the blockage he gave me an assessment of the toilet (good one, no need to replace it), which was reassuring.

  • Vincenzo Cicero

    Vincenzo Cicero


    Strongly recommend these people. Service was fast, professional and reliable. Thank you guys. Your are on my list for house hold maintenance providers for any plumbing work needed at my place!!!

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    Neil Arcot


    My motto is if it ain't broken, then you should break it. Luckily Greg and George always come through with a great fix. You can trust advanced plumbing for excellent service from snaking a drain to new installations! Small business but big quality!

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    Lucy Siraco


    We called Advanced Plumbing and Greg was over in an hour. He fixed the problem with our toilet quickly and was both professional and friendly, while providing us with helpful information and recommendations.

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    Shadi Katirai Vahman


    After having the city and a couple of other plumbers try to figure out what was going on, Greg from Advanced Plumbing was the first and only one to properly diagnose the problem. I was impressed with honesty and his fee was very reasonable.

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