Addition Elle de Toronto

CanadaAddition Elle



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181, Yonge Street, M5B 1M4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-214-0144
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6528109, Longitude: -79.3792105

commentaires 5

  • en

    eve O


    Waah thank you very much girls. Sabrina was very friendly, smile, nice. She help us found dress, pant, top. Thks a lot I hope this store (with same staff) come in europe :) Good store 😍 Clean, fitting room are good

  • Sheri Rhines

    Sheri Rhines


    The staff here are always super friendly and helpful. They are also very encouraging and make you feel great about yourself and what you wear.

  • Revital Solomon

    Revital Solomon


    I visited the store on Yang Street. The sales staff are so good, smiling and very professional. I went out with a bunch of beautiful and not expensive bras. I enjoyed shopping at the store and defently will come again.

  • Kimberly Hoare

    Kimberly Hoare


    I visited Addition Elle to purchase a couple of bras for work purposes and the service was excellent. The bras are beautiful and fit well. Thank you! â˜ș

  • en

    Ryan P


    Stopped in on a Sunday to find some stuff for my wife. Store closes at 6 but apparently make sure that you are there before 545..... The door was already locked. They did let us in. We were only looking for some tank tops so would he a quick stop. Staff was not very helpful and was more concerned with us being in there at 545...... Well we were out by 6 and did buy some things there!

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