ACE Rent A Car i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaACE Rent A Car



🕗 åbningstider

200, Tremblay Road, K1G 7Z4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 866-551-8267
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4164359, Longitude: -75.6515711

kommentar 4

  • Anna Doxey

    Anna Doxey


    The guy on the phone was not helpful at all! He asked where I was calling from I said Ottawa he OK then starts telling me that my closest location was Kingston?!? Are you serious? You only have Kingston? He said yes I repeated being in Ottawa and Kingston is 2 hours away. Then he said oh we have other locations. Then said they had no cars to rent. What a useless place! Seriously useless!

  • Ahmad Tfaili

    Ahmad Tfaili


    Worst experience ever, did not receive my car and was stranded at the train station for hours because their shuttle never showed up. Even more they couldn't even get him to answer his phone. Missed my business conference because of their horrible staff!

  • en

    cassandra lindner


    Save yourself much time and hassle, do not book with this website, especially if you have to deal with a kiosk and not an actual person. The kiosk is a glorified payphone, almost unuseable, and the phone staff are even more unhelpful. Staff are completely uninformed and only wanted to get us off the phone as soon as possible. Suffice to say we did not receive any car despite having a booking confirmation, and Ace staff could not have cared less. Take your money and business elsewhere. Anywhere else.

  • en

    Matt Stuyck


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