A Birkenstock Sandals de Calgary

CanadaA Birkenstock Sandals



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109 14 St NW, T2N 1Z6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 403-270-8299
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0529027, Longitude: -114.0949902

commentaires 5

  • en

    Zain Daredia


    Came to this place knowing I wanted to buy a pair of Birkenstocks had already tried them on elsewhere but I had a few questions. The older fellow most likely the owner was insulting and rude he assumed I was coming in just to use him as a place for fitting and questions. The seed of buying these sandals was already planted I knew I wanted them just wanted some knowledge. My recommendation and I believe it’s my first on google reviews DO NOT COME HERE. Many other retailers have the same sandals which don’t come with an un-friendly, rude and condescending elderly “gentlemen “.

  • en

    Stephanie Bierkos


    Can’t believe I didn’t visit sooner... what a great little family-run store! Shopping for Birks “out-of-season” proved to be a challenge for my tiny feet, but I’m so glad this place was recommended to me. The gentleman helping me found me the perfect pair for an upcoming wedding and offered advice and product to help repair an old pair. Prices are comparable or better than the mall and it always feels good to support local. (Hope your dad feels better soon!)

  • J. Dalmacio

    J. Dalmacio


    Um i remember when I was first looking for nice stocks, the worker here told me that I could NEVER wear Birkenstocks in my life cause my feet were too big. So he didn't even bother helping me. It was rude and funny but mostly rude. And how can you determine my life like that. So right after he said that I went straight to a little burgundy's and bought Birks straight cash and wear them everyday. Don't let anyone ever tell you, you can or can't wear anything. This place sucks.

  • en

    Rebecca Morante


    Very helpful, well informed, polite and responsive to my needs. Can’t believe I haven’t shopped here sooner!

  • Suriakarthiga Ganesan

    Suriakarthiga Ganesan


    The owner was not at the store when I went. Two new people were working and didn't even say hi when I went to the store. They greeted everyone else except for me. Felt like they were being racist. They greeted two people who came right after us and asked them questions.

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