2400 Motel de Vancouver

Canada2400 Motel


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2400, Kingsway, V5R 5G9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-434-2464
site web: www.2400motel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.240428, Longitude: -123.0560681

commentaires 5

  • Jett Black

    Jett Black


    Smelled noxious which I could not stand. The sheets had brown splatter marks and there were other people's hairs and dirt all over. Would only stay here if the only other option was the streets.

  • Nichole Lewis

    Nichole Lewis


    VERY accommodating & helpful during my stay, housekeepers are sweethearts, highly recommended. Thank you!!

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    balpreet dhaliwal


    Stinky congested room. The toilet was blocked I had to remind guy named Jordan 3 times to resolve issue as I paid for better service. Not worth the money. The toilet was the worst. The bed sheet had few stains and grey spots. Busy road but I had to open window to make room stinky free. Not worth MONEY

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    Cecilia Rennison


    you're getting what you pay for, the blankets are thin and the rooms are bare but clean... if you enjoy the quirky things in life this place is a real gem. the reception however is run by some of the most ridiculously incompetent people i have ever met in my life. if you call ahead and try to arrange things, dont expect them to have any clue about any of it when you get there. you can also expect to be hung up on by the reception and met with extreme defensiveness and an inability to communicate if you have any questions regarding your room/stay. they also out a $200 hold on your credit card that you shouldnt expect to see returned for at least a week...

  • Kimberley Laycraft

    Kimberley Laycraft


    Hotel is located on a busy street, easy access to all areas of Vancouver, but noisy. Plenty of nearby amenities. Hotel looks run down in appearance.

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