14th Street Carwash de Calgary

Canada14th Street Carwash


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418, 14 Street Northwest, T2N 1Z7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
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Latitude: 51.0556668, Longitude: -114.0944067

commentaires 5

  • Sam Thompson

    Sam Thompson


    Nice facility, good pressure, good soap quantity, well lit. Only problem is the stalls are about 3ft too narrow. Even washing a small Ford escape was a tight squeeze. Not sure what the rationale was behind that design decision. If you drive anything larger than a small CUV, go elsewhere.

  • Rianne Pater

    Rianne Pater


    The guys who own the joint are always present on site guiding cars into the quickest lane. They are also very observant to the conditions of each bay. The truck in front of me left a ton of mud in the bay, and the staff asked me to wait while they cleaned out the mud. Great attention to detail.

  • Anshul Vishal

    Anshul Vishal


    Haven't actually spoken to the guys working there so not sure if they are actually rude. I always see the owners there guiding cars to the fastest Bay when it is busy. Equipment is pretty good. Have never had issues. Decent rates for downtown!

  • en

    Peter Canada


    It was -2 Celsius, ask on duty guy if he would close door to bay as it is a bit chilly. Guy said cost too much money for power to open and close door. I asked again if he can close nicely, and he say if I don’t like I can leave. I said that I come here a lot and spend money, and that it is not very good customer service. He told me to leave. I felt treated with disrespect as a customer, and I became angry with him at this point. I was going to suffer through and wag my car in the chilly bay, despite his refusal but he became crazy in his behaviour. Don’t go here if you want help or wish to make any request or expect to be treated with respect.

  • Yasir Sabri

    Yasir Sabri


    They are so rude and they don't respect the customer

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