Zoe's Lounge i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaZoe's Lounge



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1, Rideau Street, K1N 8S7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-241-1414
internet side: www.fairmont.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4253052, Longitude: -75.6944899

kommentar 5

  • Steven Branco

    Steven Branco


    Amazing Fairmont known atmosphere, very grand, with specious seating, well dressed staff, and beautiful table settings. For a tea service, I must say that the server was not very attentive to us. Not sure if it was because we were gay, but he seemed to jump around from table to table and ignore us. Overall, enjoyed the tea and the sandwiches, biscuits, etc. but wasn’t too satisfied with the overall experience. After all, they weren’t too busy.

  • en

    Nikolay Youhnovski


    Nice ambiance high ceilings large rooms good service with average food. If you are looking for a culinary adventures it is not right place but clean nice monumental athmosphe is here. At the end I took the hotdog of my daughter and was happy....🤔

  • Alexander Koundakjian

    Alexander Koundakjian


    My favorite place in Ottawa. Not sure or care about high tea. I used to go with my brother for drinks when i was single. Great selection of booze. Now i go with my family for dessert or hot chocolate. I have always been treated with the utmost respect. The service is impeccable.

  • Dasha Pyat

    Dasha Pyat


    Absolutely wonderful place for an afternoon break - fantastic opulent decor yet also contemporary, large menu albeit a little pricey, and super friendly staff. French onion soup was good. Bartenders can also whip up great drinks off menu, if the countless options aren’t enough! Ps they have ‘high tea’ if you’re looking for a fancy afternoon date spot.

  • de

    Kim Bo


    Das Essen ist wirklich sehr gut, der Service soweit auch. Die Getränke sind überteuert und zum Teil könnte der Boden sowie die Toiletten sauberer sein. Das Essen und die Lobby machen das aber definitiv wett.

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