WolfSheep Arthouse i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWolfSheep Arthouse



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1314, Broad Street, V8W 2A9, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-208-6393
internet side: wolfsheep.studio
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.426948, Longitude: -123.366224

kommentar 5

  • Nikita Auchter

    Nikita Auchter


    Erik Van Kobra - I am so beyond happy I chose you to do my memorial piece. This tattoo is beyond my wildest dreams. You did such a slick job keeping it close to my brothers drawing. You brought happy tears all around (to all the women in my family at least;)) I can't thank you enough. Also I will be getting in touch soonish to fix my back piece. Cheers!!

  • Em McFarland

    Em McFarland


    In the lead up to my appointment the communication was easy and friendly, and when I got to the shop the service didn’t disappoint! Staff was awesome and friendly, took the time to make sure I got what I wanted and did some beautiful art!

  • Rachel Gross

    Rachel Gross


    My cousin & I came in Saturday without an appointment & they were so great. Kyle got us in the same day & tattooed both of us. Super friendly staff, we will definitely be coming back.

  • Tori Anderson-Larsen

    Tori Anderson-Larsen


    I got a tattoo done by Kristen a little while ago which I love and a friend of mine saw it and was wondering if Wolf Sheep is wheelchair accessible. I am fully aware that their main entrance is a flight of stairs but for all I knew there could be a service elevator or something. I stood in Wolf Sheep for about 10 minutes until finally this guy with tattoos all over his head (Brian?) comes over and our conversation went like this: "Hey, I was wondering if you guys are wheelchair accessible?" "Does it look like we're wheelchair accessible." Then he just walked away from me. It was extremely rude and I'm pretty sure I'm not going back due to this and the fact that my appointment was double booked and had to be rescheduled even though I was already sitting there waiting to be tattooed.

  • David Beck

    David Beck


    Eric is a straight up legend guys. The whole crew in this shop were helpful from the phone call I made up until they fit me in short notice for a cover up tat. Thanks for your help Wolfsheep! Definitely recommend. Run it!

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