Winks de Calgary



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1330, 15th Avenue Southwest, T3C 3V3, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-398-3026
site web:
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Latitude: 51.0397424, Longitude: -114.0940877

commentaires 4

  • en



    Awesome staff and great selection.

  • Ty Quaschnick

    Ty Quaschnick


    Been a long time frequent customer. Best part is the very friendly family staff. Good selection and great location.

  • en

    Andy Kopciuch


    This is one of my local stores. I had been going there on a regular basis since it used to be a 7/11 years ago. The family run store is great. They always have 2 litre Diet Dr. Pepper (which I am a fan). They have a slightly larger selection of convenience items than say a Macs, 7/11, Circle K. An example is they have ginger snap cookies in the grocery section, if the craving hits you. They also have a larger medical selection than other convenience stores. Staff are always super friendly.

  • Robert Reid

    Robert Reid


    I visit this store on almost a daily basis on my return home from work. They have a good selection of mostly any convenience item you may need. The owner and his family run this store and they're all really friendly and they're the main reason I keep coming back.

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