Wilfrid Laurier University i Waterloo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWilfrid Laurier University


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75, University Avenue West, N2L 3C5, Waterloo, Waterloo Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-884-1970
internet side: www.wlu.ca
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Latitude: 43.4723532, Longitude: -80.5263399

kommentar 5

  • Seema Mehta

    Seema Mehta


    Great University!!! Wilfrid Laurier University is named in honour of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the seventh Prime Minister of Canada. Good opportunities after completing graduation.

  • Vee Vee

    Vee Vee


    I had an incredible time at this university. I like that it is a small community so professors and administration were able to give us the attention we needed. Laurier gave me and my peers many opportunities to succeed after graduation. I’m very grateful.

  • thot phd

    thot phd


    Laurier is laughable, especially with it’s limited course offerings and overpriced fees. It’s not worth the money or time to live in a rundown residence and mandatorily pay for poor quality food. There’s not much to compensate for it’s low tier reputation and programs, but the students generally don’t mind because they’re too busy getting drunk or coked up most nights. Don’t be fooled by their marketing campaigns; it’s better to choose a school with an administration and social climate that’s serious about education.

  • Tailai Cheung

    Tailai Cheung


    My biggest satisfaction is probably the friendly and helpful staff. They offer lots of resources. Profs r usually very helpful and thoughtful. I cannot appreciate them enough for some of their generosity and support.

  • en

    Akshay Bondale


    Just ignore all the trolls that are leaving 1-star reviews simply because they got offended by one free speech incident that happened at the University a couple of months ago (although to their credit it was a big deal). This one incident should not negatively impact the rest of what Laurier has to offer. Great profs, smaller school = more meaningful friendships, average support for students, lively atmosphere, and plenty of ways to get involved. Although I have no basis for saying this, but I am sure most of these 1-star reviews aren't even from Laurier students, alumni, or anyone else associated with Laurier. The garbage they are spewing is just that, with no justification for why Laurier is a "leftist, communist" school and so on. I'm not saying Laurier is perfect, but it does not deserve the bashing it's getting right now.

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