Wendy's de Ottawa




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1595, Merivale Road, K2G 3J4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-723-7738
site web: www.wendys.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.351478, Longitude: -75.7331349

commentaires 5

  • en

    Debbie Curnock


    A little pricy but the service eas great

  • Brandon Mclean

    Brandon Mclean


    Food is very good here but make sure when asking for a double baconator you ask for Less Grease it's like they pour a half a cup on top of each burger just to make the bun nice and Soggy with grease

  • en

    Sharon Amos


    Staff are very friendly and helpful. Never had an issue with food. Salads are great.

  • Bradley Schneider

    Bradley Schneider


    It's a regular ol' Wendys (joined with a Tim Hortons) so the food is as would be expected. However, the location is pretty dated, and honestly not that inviting. I don't enjoy going to this location and avoid it if I can. Place in dire need of a renovation.

  • en

    Chelsea Ogden


    Just went in to grab a couple homestyle chicken burgers for me and my partner, and waited 20 minutes. They had a rush and they were awsome about it! Didn't mind the wait, got two free frostys for the wait and the fellow customers were awsome to chat with. You guys were awsome! Thank you for the great food and the great service. Can't be perfect all the time! Can only make due with he situation you have and make the best of it . Cheers!

Restaurant la plus proche

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