Wallack's Art Supplies i Ottawa

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CanadaWallack's Art Supplies



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231, Bank Street, K2P 1W9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-234-1800
internet side: wallacks.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4168812, Longitude: -75.6974793

kommentar 5

  • Scott Rubie

    Scott Rubie


    Visited for the first time and was met by friendly helpful staff. They have a great on-line shopping process. I'm an artist and plan on future shopping here.

  • Kayla Charles

    Kayla Charles


    Fantastic staff at the Bank location. Always great service and they're very knowledgeable. I love the option to take part in workshops and such as well!

  • Becca Bouchard

    Becca Bouchard


    Amazing Selection of the more Traditional medias at truly unbeatable prices. Staff is always super friendly & they have the "if i don't know I know just the person to ask" mentality. They hold really great classes & have a cork board of all the artistic happenings around the core. If you are looking for ceramic paint unfortunately they do not carry it, but like with most artist supplies if they really cannot get it for you they know exactly where to send you. They have upped their brush pen game as of late & as someone getting into hand lettering, I am not one to complain. Always a treat when my art supply hunt brings me here!

  • Greg Beaton

    Greg Beaton


    A reliable supply for most of your art needs, with knowledgeable and friendly staff. Their stock contains a wide variety of good quality materials at reasonable prices, but a the size of the store keeps variety somewhat limited. Fun to browse and good for a restock, but check ahead if you're looking for something very specific.

  • Ron vadeboncoeur

    Ron vadeboncoeur


    Art store with great selection of painting supplies, frames, etc. for all levels of talent. Very friendly and helpful staff.

nærmeste Butik

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