Victorian Hotel i Vancouver

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CanadaVictorian Hotel


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514, Homer Street, V6B 2V6, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-681-6369
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.2824007, Longitude: -123.1121206

kommentar 5

  • Angus Willoughby

    Angus Willoughby


    We had a nice time. The room was warm and comfortable. The staff was helpful. The hotel is close to many attractions in Vancouver. We'll go back.

  • marin paul

    marin paul


    Amazing hotel wonderful cute rooms. Comfy bed and welcoming staff. This will always be my first choice when I come to Vancouver

  • en

    Sarah W.


    Had a room with a private bathroom. It was perfect. Loved the historic feel of the place, clean, actually a super delicous breakfast (French pastries and waffles), and a decent price. Will definitely be my go to place to stay in Vancouver. Only complaint is that the lady who checked is in was utterly unhelpful. Everyone else was awesome though.

  • Luke Best

    Luke Best


    Great service across the board. Clean rooms, nice light breakfast and polite staff. Not too much more you could ask for but the suite didn't feel "superior"

  • en

    Amy L


    Location location Location!!!! Best location ever and great price! Neat historical building and cozy, nice clean rooms, yes have to share bathrooms but there's THREE on every floor. We stayed 5 days and never once had a problem. Will definitely stay here again!

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