Victoria Premium Automobiles Ltd de Victoria

CanadaVictoria Premium Automobiles Ltd



🕗 horaire

1859, Blanshard Street, V8T 4H9, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-380-0581
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4306737, Longitude: -123.361345

commentaires 5

  • Lindsay Abbott

    Lindsay Abbott


    Ed's very helpful and knowledgeable. Great experience!

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    Garry MacKenzie


    Best car buying experience in 50 years of buying cars. Honest, personable service. Ed, the owner, treats you like you were his only customer and he strives to ensure the cars are checked out properly before they leave his lot, Combine this with great car selection and fair prices and I can't see buying a new car anymore. Bought three and traded four through his dealership and could not be happier. Dealership moving in near future. Keep Ed in your sights if you want a straight up guy to deal with.

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    Sunny August


    Honest. Relax.pleasant, and super nice cars....

  • Landon Dix

    Landon Dix


    Great People, nice cars. Bernie took great care of any questions I had, and Gregg runs a tight ship. Thanks guys!

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    Glen I


    I had questions on selling my vehicle to an American buyer and what documents and processes are needed to make the transaction go smoothly. I got stuck and Greg was able to help me with helpful answers. Thanks and Have a great new year!

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