Victoria Bug Zoo i Victoria

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CanadaVictoria Bug Zoo



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631, Courtney Street, V8W 1B8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-384-2847
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Latitude: 48.4232996, Longitude: -123.3666683

kommentar 5

  • Mary Kleiner

    Mary Kleiner


    It was smaller than expected but the staff was very informative. Not really a big tour but there is someone inside with a wealth of knowledge. If you love bugs. This is the place to go! My kids had other feelings the toy shop was great. They tried to touch a couple but could not do it. Would I go in again? Maybe for a field trip for educational reason.

  • en

    Daniel Gale


    We took our 4 year old to see the bug zoo and we loved it as much as she did. I recommend anyone who comes here latches on to the demonstrations done by the staff. You can join in at any point and they continuously loop around the rooms so you can see everything and then drop away. We listened to both guides Ash and a female member of staff who I totally forgot to check her name which is my fault. Both of them were incredibly knowledgeable, engaging to all visitors and you could tell they care about the creatures. Some reviews here knock the price which is fair if you just glance at each tank and leave so make sure you tack on to the guide! Thanks for a very fun afternoon.

  • Amit Hattimare

    Amit Hattimare


    Small place but can take up to 2 hours if you listen to the complete presentation. The instructors hold the bugs with their hands and tell something about them. It has tarantulas, Hercules beetle, big stick insects, ant colonies, etc. Fun and interesting place for kids and teens. Adults with some interest in wildlife will also enjoy the experience.

  • Carl Chambers

    Carl Chambers


    We haven't been to the bug zoo for over 5 years and it was mildly interesting for myself and two teenagers. They seemed to have enjoyed it more when they were younger. Even with a coupon, it seemed the price was a bit high for what you seeing. We maybe had s better experience if it wasn't too too busy. I Thought the blue scorpion was pretty cool though

  • Garth Todd

    Garth Todd


    This is definitely a great place to visit. The staff are wonderful and will provide an interesting and informative tour through the zoo. The zoo itself isn't very big, but you get a great experience while you're there. There are plenty of opportunities to view rare, unusual, and interesting bugs. There's also the opportunity to handle some of the bugs here if you're willing. The space is well maintained and I got the feeling that the staff really cares. Definitely check it out.

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