Venus Sophia Tea Room & Vegetarian Eatery de Victoria

CanadaVenus Sophia Tea Room & Vegetarian Eatery



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540, Fisgard Street, V8W 1R4, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-590-3953
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4294755, Longitude: -123.3681436

commentaires 5

  • Jennifer Dempsey Palmer

    Jennifer Dempsey Palmer


    Just lovely! I love having the option of somewhere to go for afternoon tea with my vegetarian friends. They have amazing food and a lovely selection of delicious teas. The atmosphere is very welcoming and they made us feel right at home.

  • Dottie Wieclawska

    Dottie Wieclawska


    Here's the deal... I can't give this place more than 2 stars because of a number of reasons, and my review is based on one experience so you take that for what you will. I'll start off with the good, because it's shorter: the scones are delicious! The feel & vibe in the place is sweet, quaint and modern mixed with vintage .. The bad: when we went, there was only one waitress for the whole room (on a Sunday, with reservations, fully booked and with a "special" for St. Patrick's Day) - she was definitely at a disadvantage, and I feel bad for her - but she also didn't really seem too into it, so maybe that's another issue. The food was tasty, but the bread a bit stale. I'm not sure I understand the menu either: an express afternoon tea ($26) vs a signature afternoon tea ($36) were identical in food items except for presentation and one tiny little quiche. Does that mean I just paid $10 for a 3-tiered plate, and one quiche?! Yikes. You definitely don't get a fancy experience here, so hopefully that's not what you're expecting. for $36, though, I was. I'm just going to stick to the Pendray Inn which had an INCREDIBLE afternoon tea service with a better view, and much better service.

  • en

    Charlotte Zuzarte


    Delicious tea and the scones were also lovely. My friend and I were just there to have a light tea after lunch and just needed one order of the tea and scones. The server didn't seem to appreciate us sharing but was amenable. The staff were very kind.

  • Jennie Marshall

    Jennie Marshall


    Lovely place to have tea and yummy food. Excellent, friendly service. Ambiance galore. Excellent vegetarian options.

  • en

    Shanu Bhandari


    I haven't tried this place yet but when I passed by it, I just had to go in. I talked to the owner and told her about my frustrations of finding a decent gluten free/vegetarian place. She assured me that they have a lot of gluten free options. Definitely on my bucket list. If the place and the owner are so nice, it's sure to be a hit place!

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