Vaughan Mills i Concord

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CanadaVaughan Mills



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1, Bass Pro Mills Drive, L4K 5W4, Concord, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-879-2110
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.825424, Longitude: -79.53859

kommentar 5

  • Larissa Aradj

    Larissa Aradj


    I like this mall because it has something for everyone! Here’s some of what it has to offer: Lego Land (go early to avoid lines), a huge food court, lots of higher-end stores, some outlet stores, Bass Pro Shop, Starbucks, Nike Outlet, and tons of parking around the mall. There’s a hotel right across the parking lot for those doing some out of town shopping! You can also rent those strollers that look like little cars for your toddler or young child. Overall it’s a great mall with lots of variety and good prices. I recommend Vaughan Mills.

  • Dennis Dmitrovic

    Dennis Dmitrovic


    A huge mall. I usually stay away from this mall because a lot of people use this mall to hang out and walk around. It gets way too busy and so many kids running around and screaming. I usually like to go in, buy and leave. I haven't been to all the stores. Good place if you have small kids and want to spend the day inside because the weather sucks. You can easily spend the whole day browsing and walking the mall. They have strollers for rent at the entrances and lots of places to eat.

  • DurgaVaraprasad Bali

    DurgaVaraprasad Bali


    Just amazing.. it took 4 hrs for us to cover just half of the mall. It’s such a big mall with every famous brand outlet. I just got stunned by the Bass pro shop and enjoyed a lot there. It’s a fishing shop u can find basic fishing rods to big motor boats to buy. It’s highly recommended to visit Vaughan Mills if one wants branded outfits at a reasonable cost.

  • Simon Than

    Simon Than


    Its a very large and well kept mall. I only go during the morning hours when it's less busy, the closer to opening time the better. Parking is plentiful and there are no crowds. I couldn't be paid enough to go on a weekend afternoon. There are interactive map kiosks to find the store you're looking for. The stores are generally arranged in clusters (neighbourhoods), ie most of the high end fashion brands are in the same section. There's a food court that seems to have a good variety with lots of seating. There are also many food options in the plazas surrounding the mall.

  • Raj



    Very big shopping mall, contains all the shops that u will like and all the outlets for branded stores present here. Offers present in all the outlets stores from 50% to 70% through out the year is worth visiting. I personally like the Calvin Klein outlet stores good stuff. Food court available and massage chairs for relaxing. Special mention for the Bass Pro store has everything that attracts u and the store arrangement attracts all the kids and families. Has everything that u will want to buy.

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