Vangorda Place Bed & Breakfast i Whitehorse

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaVangorda Place Bed & Breakfast



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3, Van Gorda Place, Y1A 5L3, Whitehorse, Yukon, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 867-335-1393
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.7012727, Longitude: -135.0315976

kommentar 2

  • Bekah K

    Bekah K


    The host's puppy chewed my shoe, the 17th pair per host this year, which they thought was cute. They offered to replace Reef sandals luckily $40. But opted to send cash instead. They sent $10 because the fairly new shoe in their eyes had depreciated. Wow unprofessional and cheap!! I made sure my daughter and I closed all the dog gates. But someone else left one open and BAM bye bye favourite shoes. Seriously though talk about a dog/baby gate on every room ruining ambience. My favourite part of bed and BREAFASTS is the breakfast. This was the least exciting one I have every had with a B&B, I can have cold cereal and yogurt at home any day. I'd advise looking elsewhere. Wish I had.

  • en

    jo and garry shaw


    We cannot rate Van Gorda Place B & B highly enough after our 8 night stay. From the minute you arrive Pamela makes you feel at home and makes you feel very welcome and relaxed in this home away from home. Rooms are beautiful, clean, extremely comfortable beds and more than ample breakfast. Stunning walks around the river and up to the Fish Ladder. Not forgetting Pamela allowing our family to take over her house for our daughters wedding day preparations and the use of her stunning gardens (all designed and maintained by Pamela) for the pre wedding photos. Fabulous memories of a wonderful stay. Thankyou Pamela.

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