Urban Waves w Winnipeg

KanadaUrban Waves



🕗 godziny otwarcia

187, Osborne Street, R3L 1Z2, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 204-475-2353
strona internetowej: urban-waves.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 49.876363, Longitude: -97.143663

komentarze 5

  • Annisja



    Super friendly helpful staff, unique one of a kind stock. Some items can be customised such as mugs, water bottles and hats. I've been going to this store for more then 20 years and is my favourite store in Osborne village.

  • Chaingun Charlie

    Chaingun Charlie


    The owner is amazing and there is super cool stuff there!!

  • en

    j mck


    Discovered this place killing time walking down osborne. Really cool and unique shirts.

  • Bethany



    This store is great, I'll always stop in while in Osborne. The lady who owns it is super sweet and she even lets her dogs loose in the store if you're comfortable with them! Trust me, they are harmless. As for the product, everyone will find something they like here. It's different, not something you would easily find somewhere else! Check it out

  • en

    Allen Dunwoody


    Had an incredible experience in this store. My wife and I went into the store looking for some sunglasses and the lady working did everything she could to make sure we got a pair of glasses that we liked. And at an incredible price! Will be back for sure

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