Turtle Jack's Muskoka Grill i Richmond Hill

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CanadaTurtle Jack's Muskoka Grill



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11740, Yonge St, L4E 3N6, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-883-2964
internet side: turtlejacks.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.913642, Longitude: -79.448093

kommentar 5

  • en

    AJ D. Elric


    Nice clean restaurant, servers and staff were very nice. I had the 4 cheese penne, portions are for the average person so if you're a big eater it will feel small. Over all 3.5/5 but a 4 for the server.

  • Chris Conlon

    Chris Conlon


    I love this place. We always enjoy the fajitas and four cheese pasta! Don't forget to have the butter tart, but share!

  • en

    AKAK789 Yin


    Being the first time in my life. I left zero gratuity. The food was okay, and I guess I was really pissed by one staffs service. My family and I, all 4 were done all eating, there was only one table of guests other than us. I was waiting for the waitress to show so we can let her bringing the bill, as I trying to get the attention of the waitress for over long period of time, being showing up sever times but she never took a glance to us, so I have to get up from my seat and walked around to find one after 10-15 mins seating and waiting, I was implied by a waitress so, went back and waited, 10+ more minutes, nobody showed up, I had to getup 2 times and walk around to find a waitress while the entire area almost empty. I finally found them chatting in the kitchen, (yes I entered the kitchen). I asked if someone can bring my bill, a waitress immediately throwing back to me “stopping shouting, you are talktto wrong person”...okay, maybe my voice is high, but this is absolutely not shouting or even trying arguing... I mean...seriously? I was speechless and I went back to my seats with all my family members who have been waiting for extremely long time after finishing eating, and signed my bill without a tip first time in my life.

  • en

    Amy Dew


    Turtle Jacks in Richmond hill is one of our go to places. I always have the sandwiches because they are phenomenal. My boyfriend swears the blackened basa is the best thing on the menu. Make sure to order the calamari as an appetizer - it tastes amazing!

  • Pedram M.

    Pedram M.


    Overpriced, awful food and small portions! Service is hit or miss depending on who you get or how understaffed they are. They are lucky they don’t have any competition in the area or they’d be out of business.

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