Trees Organic Coffee Gastown de Vancouver

CanadaTrees Organic Coffee Gastown



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321, Water Street, V6B 1B8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-633-3880
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2846851, Longitude: -123.1093157

commentaires 5

  • Ashesh Sharma

    Ashesh Sharma


    "Best Cheesecakes in Vancouver" Their Sin and Maple Walnut Cheesecakes are to die for. The crust is soft unlike offered at cheesecakes joints. Highest recommendation for anyone visiting Gastown

  • Ronnie Hung

    Ronnie Hung


    A cozy, small place for dessert or afternoon snack. We got the chocoholic cheesecake and almond marzipan cheesecake and they were both delicious! Super creamy and not too sweet. Slightly overpriced even though it was a big slice, but it was still great. Their quiche also wasn't bad either.

  • Jonah Conner

    Jonah Conner


    The customer service was quite good. We ordered two black coffees and two slices of cheesecake. (Maple Walnut and New York style with strawberries) The coffee was quite mellow and bland. Both the cheesecakes were tasty, but neither were outstanding. Overall, it was a good experience, I would say give it a try.

  • Zaayer Nasib

    Zaayer Nasib


    Nice little coffee shop on Gastown. I'm a Smucker cheese cakes so when I saw the sign "best cheese cakes in Vancouver" I had to go in and see. A single slice was $7 so it was a little too much but it was great! Cold and fresh The staff was really nice and brought the order to the table.

  • Patrick Brouder

    Patrick Brouder


    Trees makes a strong claim to having "Vancouver's best cheesecake" and it is hard to disagree! The Sin cheesecake is my favourite! The coffee here is also excellent and fair-trade. A few locations around Vancouver and the Granville Street location often has live music in the evenings. A great place but a little on the expensive side.

Café la plus proche

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