Treasure Cove i Prince George

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CanadaTreasure Cove



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2003, British Columbia 97, V2N 7A3, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-561-2421
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.8944849, Longitude: -122.7638804

kommentar 5

  • jashan deol

    jashan deol


    I liked it, i stayed in nearby hotel and there was no place to go for eat in midnight but casino restaurant was open tried few games and won $25 😄 Good place , saved my time thank you

  • Anne Jenkins

    Anne Jenkins


    Guess I am not gambler material! Crowded and somehow sad atmosphere.

  • en

    Matthew Bibby


    Absolute garbage casino... Extremely rude staff and your security acts like bullies in suits. We had a group of 10 staying in the hotel for a week and after the first night of your "hospitality" they would not return. The only nice offering you had was the cheap food. I have hit alot of casinos and yours was by far the worst experiance i have had to date. And i even won cash and still have a sour taste in my mouth.

  • Nathan Paul Prince

    Nathan Paul Prince


    Always my go-to hotel for Prince George. No more free breakfast though Hummus serves a great omelette! You get a $10 casino voucher and... yeah, always friendly and they seem to remember me often

  • en

    Joseph Cunningham


    From the service to the atmosphere and the comfort the treasure cove offers it is a fun environment to spend an evening. The casino is a blast As long you have fun and know your limit and play within it. And the cuisine was good I was i.pressed by great day service and cooperation of all employees at this establishment.

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