Tommy Hilfiger de Ottawa

CanadaTommy Hilfiger



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1377, Woodroffe Avenue, K2G 1V7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-727-3222
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.349666, Longitude: -75.7609313

commentaires 5

  • en

    Bradley Stewart


    My wife loved the cloths there and they had really good sales on.

  • M.A K

    M.A K


    Le service chez Tommy est bizarre ... j'ai acheté 2 tshirt différente taille , ils m'ont dit tu fais quoi avec ? Car la revente est interdite. .. lol

  • kishan goyani

    kishan goyani


    I bought clothes from there as a gift for someone two days ago and clarified if there’s I need to be return it or exchange it, if don’t like the clothes and the salesperson agreed with it. Now I have to return two items from my purchase but they changed there’s words and denies to take it return. I had an interaction with the store manager and they offered me exchange only. My purchase is as it’s with all the tags and I also do have an receipt.

  • Michel Choueiry

    Michel Choueiry


    Good selection and great sale prices

  • Katherine Toms

    Katherine Toms


    Staff are very helpful but not pushy. They were really busy when I went in but I still got amazing customer service.

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