Tidy's Flowers de Toronto

CanadaTidy's Flowers



🕗 horaire

Adelaide Street West, M5H 1T1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-364-5475
site web: www.tidysflowers.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.649929, Longitude: -79.383248

commentaires 5

  • en



    Beautiful Home of Exquisite Flowers and Friendly Folks now only history...

  • en

    nathaniel loveland


    Wonderful place, friendly staff, great flowers and gift ideas. Highly recommended them in the future

  • Shane mai

    Shane mai


    they are not open on sunday as the google addressed. Very aggressive customer service. They tried to call security while im googling other locations.

  • Helen Shwarts

    Helen Shwarts


    I shop here on a regular basis, I buy Lila’s for my mom and their stuff is lovely. One of my fave local spots for flowers in the city

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    Blake Wheaton


    We have made orders to Tidys from Australia over many years for deliveries to Ontario. It is an easy transaction and we always get positive feedback from the recipients. Highly recommended.

Fleuriste la plus proche

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