thevscan i Ottawa

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1155, Lola Street, K1K 2C5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-748-0364
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4228895, Longitude: -75.6501788

kommentar 5

  • en

    Boris Touhlov


    The staff at the VSCAN Veterinary Imaging Center are truly wonderful. Our dog suffered from clustered seizures. Today Bella is doing great thanks to Dr. Philip Jull and his extraordinary team : Alison, Erik, Hayley, Shannon, Dana. Two vet clinics, which we visited in the past, strongly recommended Dr.Jull and VSCAN. We are impressed by the professionalism and the loving care of the team. After MRI, sample collection, analysis, and treatment we are happy to share results which exceeded any expectations. Thank you all very much!

  • Gerry Bimm

    Gerry Bimm


    We went to the VSCAN with our dachshund, Frankie who was diagnosed with IVDD. All the staff were compassionate professionals. Dr. Jull performed the surgery on Frankie and he is continuing on his road to recovery. Dr. Jull is great at follow up, and he has answered many questions and the emails of nervous dog parents while Frankie's recovery continues. I would recommend Dr. Jull and his team to anyone who has a dog with a spinal problem....not only do they do good work, they also take the time to educate you about your pets condition, and to answer all your questions during a very stressful time. Thank you.

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    Kate Mcgregor


    Following a recommendation from Dr. Gumley at Cedarview where our dog Lenny had been receiving physio for chronic lower back issues, we took Lenny to see neurosurgeon Dr. Jull at VScan for an MRI. We then decided to treat his sacrolumbar issue with surgery this week. The decision to opt for surgery was not made lightly but, in the end, it was the right decision for us. Dr. Jull and his team were amazing, compassionate and skilled and now Lenny is well on the road to recovery. What I appreciated about Dr. Jull was his willingness to converse throughout with our homeopathic vet, Dr. Beltran, at Blair Animal Hospital. I highly recommend Dr. Jull.

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    Jim Hayes


    Dr. Jull was a compassionate professional who provided exemplary care for our dear Charlie.

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    Wendy W.


    This review is definitely hard to write as my little angel had to be put down but Dr. Jull knowledge and explanation of my beautiful dog's issue was second to none. He could have said that we could save her with expensive surgery but he was realistic in her poor prognosis. He was very very sympathetic and I will be forever thankful for his kindness.

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