The Wave Pool i Richmond Hill

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CanadaThe Wave Pool



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5, Hopkins Street, L4C 0C1, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-508-9283
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8685446, Longitude: -79.439952

kommentar 5

  • Fish Lips

    Fish Lips


    Great place. The only reason for 4 stars is because there is no place to dive!

  • Lynn S

    Lynn S


    My advice to parents is to stay close to your children if they are not strong swimmers regardless if they are tall enough to touch bottom in he deep end...I recently attended a party and was needed in the pool to help surpervise the kids in our group. In the chaos if heads bobbing everywhere and not always knowing which kid was with "us" I watched everyone around me. Luckily so as a girl of around 11 in the deep end and was overtaken by the big waves and couldn't pull herself up high enough to get a good breath....I saw her panic and struggle and then start to go under. I managed to help her by reaching out with a floaty. I looked up to see if any of the 5 life guards in our area had noticed and NOT ONE was looking in our direction. The girl was ok but what if I hadn't noticed.....anyway stay with your child at all times. The current is quite strong especially by the walls. I would not recommend this as a party idea for kids under 10 that are not good swimmers. Touching the bottom doesn't matter in this case. Be careful.

  • en

    Vytautas Skavicius


    Is not expensive and nice place, but was too much people, we stojo wait in line while they let to use hot pool. Is realu cold to stand and wait in line when you are wet. A little bit too cold indrės too.

  • en

    Amy Dew


    This has always been such a great spot in Richmond hill. Birthday parties for young kids are phenomenal - a lot of life guard supervision and they are constantly watching those in the pool. The slide is amazing, and the waves are a great time. I would recommend to anyone in the area to check this place out!

  • Marina Bay

    Marina Bay


    We went Saturday around 1pm. There are so many kids there. My toddler and I had lots of fun. Staff at the ticket place and lifeguards at the swimming pool are very helpful. I’d like the big swimming pool warmer. We like this place and will come back next weekend!!

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