The UPS Store i Burnaby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe UPS Store



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4974, Kingsway, V5H 4M9, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-435-8142
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.2257179, Longitude: -122.9931981

kommentar 5

  • en

    john chen


    access point store owner at 4974 Kingsway, BURNABY BC refused to fulfill my pickup order while email in plain language writes my parcel was available already in store. She insisted she did not want to release parcel as there is 20 min until close in a rude manner and claiming she is the owner!! Later i found out she rejected our parcel on our behalf without our consent. It appears to be vindictive. This action clearly violated business conduct and ethics. I’m using UPS world expedited service for this delivery for its speed. In this dealing with UPS at store pickup, I had the least expedited service if not at all. all in all, please avoid this UPS even you can't find other freight companies around. The lady in the photo are the owner who shows disgrace and indignity.

  • en

    Wsaidanao Fu


    The owner is very friendly and caring, thank you! The only thing is to wish lower the rate a bit. After all courier is much safer than phone and internet for delivering important message. Lynn

  • Michael Anthony

    Michael Anthony


    I am a customer with this location since 2013. Although there has been some hiccups in the past I have to admit that since new management took over a few months ago, I have received nothing but great service. Whenever I come in to check on my mail they always greet me by name which is surprising since they have only seen me 3 times. Friendly and speedy service. Will for sure keep doing business with them. :)

  • en

    Gil Wong


    I have no idea why reviews are so bad here. I've had quite a pleasant experience with the new owners. They're always friendly and polite. Never an issue. This is actually one of the better locations out of all the mailboxes I've ever had and I've had mailboxes at UPS Stores in 3 provinces and 2 states.

  • en

    Aska N


    I missed the delivery and I was not able to go pick up my parcel within 7 days. I called the store and the lady on the phone said she can keep my parcel for me until I come back from a business trip. Since the store was closed due to holiday hours on the day I came back from the trip, the next day the lady was really nice and waited for me even though the store was already closed. Thank you very much for the great customer service!

nærmeste Butik

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