The UPS Store i Burlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe UPS Store



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1235 Fairview St, Maple Mews, Burlington, ON L7S 2K9, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-333-4543
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.3309868, Longitude: -79.8194117

kommentar 5

  • Jessica Cobian

    Jessica Cobian


    Gino and Ritika are absolutely fantastic and accommodating. My print job was top notch and best customer service. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ANY PRINT SERVICE.

  • Stephen Eastwood

    Stephen Eastwood


    I ordered custom stationary supplies. The service was excellent and the finished product was perfect. I recommend this store .

  • Christine Ball

    Christine Ball


    Joe and Ritika are the two staff who work for Gino. They are very customer oriented and resourceful. They are articulate and provide great feedback on printing/scanning/postal issues. I took in some very old documents for scanning and Joe worked diligently with me to get the best possible results. I have been a customer here for over ten years, these folk are great!

  • Steph Dudley

    Steph Dudley


    Loved working here! Gino was a great boss and now a friend for life. I still use Gino for all my printing and shipping - I wouldn't go anywhere else! The only reason I left was because I met an amazing customer who is now my fiancee and we have one son and one little one on the way! The UPS Store 89 literally changed my life :)

  • Gary Ormerod

    Gary Ormerod


    We have been using several of the services available at the UPS store for many years and we are very happy with every aspect .. in particular the personalised service and their want to please you.

nærmeste Butik

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