The Queen's Inn i Kingston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Queen's Inn



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125, Brock Street, K7L 1S1, Kingston, Frontenac County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-546-0429
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.2309614, Longitude: -76.4838017

kommentar 5

  • Lauri O'Reilly

    Lauri O'Reilly


    Stayed one night, room was cozy and comfortable. Queen bed was very comfy and the staff was friendly and hospitable. The only downside is that noise from other guests carries too well, from the hall and the adjacent room you could hear a fair amount of movement (mostly walking). It's an old and beautiful building though, so there's not much to be done about that. Overall enjoyed ourselves and would stay again!

  • Brandon D

    Brandon D


    Love the food at the pub. Delicious burgers, sandwiches and sides and lots of TV's for all major sporting events. A regular stop for my coworkers and I!

  • Dario Paola

    Dario Paola


    Just went for a beer but the bartender was great. Knew his beer and better yet guessed what we wanted with ease. Recommended for a quiet place good atmosphere and beer.

  • Bram Blenk

    Bram Blenk


    Reasonable priced hotel right in the heart of Kingston. Very convenient but the rooms are small as you would expect from a heritage building. Room was clean and quiet and the service was friendly. Parking is in a municipal garage right beside the hotel, but be aware that there are height restrictions. Our Ford Expedition would not fit under the entrance bar but the hotel provided us with a free spot behind the hotel.

  • en

    Bonnie O'Bier


    Cool little bar...good bar food and nice selection of beer. Historical building and the bar was quiet. If you like onion rings, get the tower....perfect to share with friends. Burgers are big and hearty, with a nice selection of house burgers to choose from. We had a nice time and the staff was just as chill.

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