The Ottawa Hospital General Campus de Ottawa

CanadaThe Ottawa Hospital General Campus



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501, Smyth Road, K1H 8L6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-798-5555
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Latitude: 45.4018515, Longitude: -75.6478698

commentaires 5

  • katherine hamilton

    katherine hamilton


    The worst hospital I have ever been to. I took my roommate into the emergency room at 10:30 pm due to throwing up blood and we saw the nurse and that was it. Over 5 hours later people are being seen before us who came in after us. Finally when I was done with this I went up and asked and they said they have no more charts in their system. Meaning they lost my friends chart who was throwing up blood and no one seemed to care at all. They were extremely rude about it and told us “to go ahead even though it wasn’t her turn”!! Our turn should’ve been 3 hours ago. Would highly recommended going to another hospital instead of this one.

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    Amir MontaZer


    My cousin suffers from severe anxiety and having his teeth attended to has been impossible the last 10 years. In a matter of 15 minutes the dental team was able to convince Dominic D. to let them help. I can’t remember the names of the two ladies that helped Dominic today, but I am so glad to have had a group of health care professionals like that. Full of smiles and extremely patient, the staff waited on my cousin to be comfortable and went to work. We were ready to give up on Dominic’s oral health and now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. God bless the dental staff at the civic hospital

  • Tyler's Friend 2017

    Tyler's Friend 2017


    They have an emergency center but everyone behind the counter at the emergency center seemed to have learned a lot in university EXCEPT for the definition of the word "emergency" itself. Also, they seemed to not have learned from anyone the definition of the word "care" or "compassion", which is extremely ironic because they're supposed to be doctors and nurses. I came into this hospital, referred from my family doctor's clinic (after waiting there for THREE HOURS), due to heart pain that was SERIOUSLY bothering me. I swear with each passing second I sincerely felt that I was going to have some sort of heart failure. I checked myself with the nurse who is trained to "care about people", and I explained the situation to her. But she seemed very cold blooded and couldn't care less. She reacted to my problem with ZERO care or the "compassion" that nurses should be trained for. Then she had me go to the waiting room, which really is a place where patients are kept to suffer and suffer until the ONE AND ONLY doctor who works his shift the whole night to see me (It might be more, I don't know, but DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH based on HOW LONG THE PEOPLE WAIT. Yeah, save money, hire the least amount of doctors, and let the people suffer, who cares right? Yeah, we're cattle). So I waited and waited and waited in the place which is supposedly an emergency center, and no one called. I know that there are many others waiting, but the nurses also don't know the definition of the word "priority". And when I went to that same nurse she said I was going to have to wait another 5 hours, even though I already waited 3 hours (in the hospital; ASIDE from the 3 hours I waited at my family doctor's clinic)!!! For crying out loud, my heart is hurting, literally, physically, HELP ME! But my cries fell on DEAF ears. SO, I said "TO HELL WITH THIS" and I just went home UNTREATED! I swear a hospital in Africa or even in a FAILED COUNTRY would know how to treat patients better! A time before that, MY STOMACH WAS HURTING. Not aching, HURTING! So I went to the Ottawa Wait Until You Die Hospital, for, as usual 8 HOURS, ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, just to see a doctor at the end, who did a quick blood test, but said "there's nothing wrong with your stomach, your blood work came back fine". BUT MY STOMACH IS HURTING! I didn't go to med school, YOU DID, it's YOUR JOB TO FIND OUT WHY. He DIDN'T even prescribe me ANY medication to at least alleviate the pain! So, they sent me home from the hospital which was supposedly supposed to "treat me" with a stomach that was hurting me to death! From those two experiences, I made a VOW to never enter this hospital again no MATTER how much the pain or the urgency. I prefer dying on my bed in dignity than to be treated at this hospital as though I'm a dog going to a veterinarian. HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!

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    Prince Olaf


    During the night over the weekend, I experienced dizziness and woke up with the same symptoms. Because I have a heart condition, I felt that I should go to the emergency room. On the Sunday morning, I arrived at the Civic campus and spent about five hours there. I received excellent treatment from everyone. During my time there, I got an ECG, blood work, and a CAT scan. Plus I met with a doctor twice. The next day, I received a follow-up call and a request for me to return the following day for an ultrasound and a meeting with a doctor who specializes in strokes. I returned today for the test and met with the Dr. Stotts, who was most helpful and gave me all the time and attention I needed. All around, terrific service. Because I have a transplanted heart and a number of other medical issues, I'm a frequent user of The Ottawa Hospital. I always feel as if I get royal treatment.

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    Steph Steph


    Personally not s Hospital I would recommend. Very disorganized, nursing staff sucks. Not to mention when my friend was a patient. I heard them laugh at her diagnostic. Like really “ professional”. I think not. What I did find very interesting. Housekeeping staff was very friendly. Keep an eye on housekeeping. They seem to be a lot more friendly they “NURSES” Odd thing “I’ve hear many patients saying the same thing 🤔 but yet housekeeping is treated like dirt. Things need to change Dr.Kit. Patients are seeing a big difference.

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