The Lounge at the Drake Hotel de Toronto

CanadaThe Lounge at the Drake Hotel



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Lisgar Place, M6J 1J3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6431534, Longitude: -79.4245286

commentaires 5

  • Vania H Hosein

    Vania H Hosein


    Great service, tasty food and lovely atmosphere. Their non-conventional menu is definitely an attraction for foodies and all dishes are well prepared and served with a smile. The staff were attentive from the moment we walked in the door and ensured we had everything we could possibly want. The only things to consider is that we were often offered items that had different sizes and options but those options weren't provided to us (i.e. cheese plate: 1 or 3 cheeses?; sparkling water - small or large bottle?). As well, the portion sizes were a bit small for the price but given the venue, it's understandable. Highly recommended for a girls/guys night out.

  • Sheraz Choudhary

    Sheraz Choudhary


    I can't even explain how amazing this place is. Just go here and try it out. Service that made you feel right at home and the best drinks in all of Toronto!!!

  • Jordan DeWit

    Jordan DeWit


    I've enjoyed going here from time to time over the years whether for dinner, trivia nights, or for some dancing. The atmosphere is relaxed and the food (especially the sushi) is surprisingly better than I expected.

  • en

    adam thom


    Good food. Can be busy at times, but that just adds to the already awesome atmosphere.

  • Tiffany Cariaga

    Tiffany Cariaga


    The drake for brunch is pretty good. You can either have it in the lounge or outside on the patio. Note that brunch on he weekend is usually a busy time and tables fill up quite frequently so try and make your way before noon. Definitely try the chicken and waffles or the drake big breakfast, those two items do not disappoint

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