The Home Depot i Edmonton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Home Depot



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6725, 104 Street Northwest, T6H 2L3, Edmonton, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 780-431-4725
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Latitude: 53.5038398, Longitude: -113.4963476

kommentar 5

  • Tessa Essa

    Tessa Essa


    I went here at 12:15 to just get a dowel for a craft for home. Walked in and LOTS of employees at the ready waiting in front of each aisle it almost seemed. Great to see, majority of them greeted me but didn’t ask if I needed help finding everything. I approached an associate to just ask where the doweling was, and she pointed me in a general direction (not helpful as I didn’t have a clue where to look, not super familiar with where things are in hardware stores) I went onto their website to find the exact aisle and section number, found the dowels, and grabbed one to get cut. Again, not familiar with the process, if I could cut it myself or if someone did it for me. I finally asked an older man if I could get it cut into shorter pieces. He asked if I was serious and took the dowel over to a cutting area and use a rip saw and cut it it. Very condescending, I would genuinely appreciate if he explained where I could do it, maybe show me how... etc. I had no clue and overlooked where I could cut it. Maybe other locations will treat me with more respect and be happy to help me.

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    Lee Caissey


    After spending nearly 4500$ on new appliances, the drivers damaged hardwood floors and new rails in a brand new house. After calling in, and even having someone come examine the damage, they have made no effort whatsoever to repair anything, or to cover the costs. DO NOT PURCHASE ANY APPLIANCES FROM THESE GUYS, unless you want a destroyed home with no coverage!

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    Corrianne Brons


    I'd give zero if I could. Was in there and the employee in Flooring assured me that they carry "absolutely no shelves that are 24 inches deep, that's way too wide" despite the fact that I had references. This is an outright lie as there are multiple shelving units offered in this size. Completely dismissive and rude. They even had some in stock. It was a female employee at approximately 11:00-11:15 on January 16.

  • Demétrios C

    Demétrios C


    I love buy hardware at Home Depot, the professionals are amazing and always ready to help. The prices are fair and the products selection good. I recommend for everybody Home Depot. The only thing that I don't like is the small number of stores that they have in Edmonton.

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    ptera bite


    I was very disappointed today to discover that this Home Depot doesn't allow dogs in the store, especially after I went to the effort to call ahead to confirm that they were allowed. The employee who told me I couldn't have my dog there was polite enough about it, but this will definitely affect my decision to shop there in the future. Dogs are banned from the majority of businesses and then people are shocked when they don't know how to behave well in public. There's no reason that the store can't allow well-behaved dogs and request the removal of dogs who are not. My puppy was well-behaved and I was in full control of her while I taught her to walk politely up and down aisles. Unfortunately, I'll be shopping at other hardware stores that allow dogs in the future.

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