The Home Depot i Brampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Home Depot



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60, Great Lakes Drive, L6R 2K7, Brampton, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-792-5430
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.7310188, Longitude: -79.7678122

kommentar 5

  • Waseem Ahmed

    Waseem Ahmed


    I did not know that this is a one of the bigger stores. the staff here is pretty helpfull. When ever I am doing any DIY project, I come here as I get good advice and can buy all the related items. The customer service department has been exceptional. I have seen the cusyomer service supervisor/manager go way out of their way to help the customer.

  • en

    Evan D.


    Very unorganized store layout is not like other home depots hard to find anything. Was looking for a driveway squeegee no one knew where they were, online they showed 42 went to the store they had no stock no one could find any. Wasted my time. Will stay away

  • en

    Aman Sheikh


    The employee Sokari was very helpful. After helping me find what I was looking for he came back after a few minutes to make sure I found what I was looking for.

  • Brampton TV Repair Scams Seniors In Toronto

    Brampton TV Repair Scams Seniors In Toronto


    Stress Free bought my Applinces here. All covered piece of mind! Great service and lowest price when shopping around. The best!

  • David O'Neill

    David O'Neill


    Wanted to rent a chainsaw to cut down a small/medium sized tree. Staff recommended the gas powered version over electric which I believe was the right call. Two staff members working the counter, and I have to say the gentlemen assisting Rob and I were very pleasant and helpful. He provided the chainsaw, fuel, and a brief heads up on using it. A $50.00 deposit is required on Credit Card, and the cost for a standard rental is approximately $48 for 4 hours, which is simply deducted from the Deposit upon return of the equipment.

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