The Home Depot i Whitby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Home Depot



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1700, Victoria Street East, L1N 9K6, Whitby, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-571-5900
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8691641, Longitude: -78.899069

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephen Bialecki


    All employees were friendly picked up a a free peice of lumber for a home project and a new floor mat the whole experience was great and refreshing.

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    Tom Pantlin


    This Home Depot is a great place to shop from do it yourself projects to contractors. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable. The products are easy to find and layout just as they are online. If you talk to anyone and they don't know how to best answer your question they call over someone who does. I feel like all Home Depots are good but this store is a great example of how a hardware store should be. I'm glad that it's in my area and that it's store hours are over 14 hours of a day.

  • en

    Eugene Ross


    What a great bunch of people. Every time I walk into the 1700 Victoria Street East Whitby store I'm always greeted by friendly smiling faces always willing to help even when they're busy this time they help me with some online issues and even price matched another store for me so thank you for helping me everybody there and I like to tell anyone else give him a try.

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    James Ness


    Stock and all that is fine its just this place seems chronically understaffed. Just spent 15 min waiting for help with flooring and no one came by. Paint seems to be the only department where staff keep to the posting. Every other staff member you snag off the floor is not from the department. Best to just find what you need online them pick up in store without requiring in-store assistance.

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    D L


    The sections of the store have always had what I needed or could get it. Staff have always been helpful and courteous. Lumber quality is just ok - Their wood is serviceable but could use improvement. I have seen lots of very wet and also very damaged boards for sale here, but if you hand pick through the boards you can usually get some decent ones. Tool Rental very helpful and has a good selection including rental trucks and trailers.

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