The Home Depot i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Home Depot



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1500, Marcus Drive, P3B 4K5, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-525-2960
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.503821, Longitude: -80.941629

kommentar 5

  • en

    Craig Wilson


    Terible service walk the intire store and still never seen anybody to help with questions then dident even have advertized product.

  • en



    Staff obviously don't care. Dan from customer service pretended to help us and f**ed off to the back to hide for an hour Came back and ignored us to go hide in back again. Completely useless store

  • en

    Andy Hancharyk


    The time of day was AM and was very enjoyable to shop and just brous around. I enjoyed shopping there.

  • Mary Abdelsayed

    Mary Abdelsayed


    Nice big store. The staff are very friendly most of the time always asking if we need help. They have a Harvey’s outside that closes at 8pm and a huge parking lot. Nice clean washrooms and accessible entrance. In summer I get my flowers and plants from there. They also carry Christmas and seasonal decorations. We get the paint and washroom renovation materials there as well as the temporary signs (house for sale/open house etc) I recommend this place much bigger than the home hardware. They cut keys and wood. They have roofing materials. If you are new to renovating by yourself they also have books and will guide you.

  • Sean O'Hare

    Sean O'Hare


    Great prices and they are really good at price matching. The store looks very typical compared to other home depots. The staff is great and very helpful.

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