The Fry (Elgin) i Ottawa

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CanadaThe Fry (Elgin)



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280, Elgin Street, K2P 1M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-1300
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4174027, Longitude: -75.6901333

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tanya Belleau


    Portions are good, we ordered the boneless chicken in soy sauce. Was a bit dry though, not enough sauce. Portions are generous , $20 chicken can feed two people. French fries are super good too, very crispy (cant think of how much calories We've ingested last night...) But at 9$, a bit pricey. The place is a bit small, and tables are too close to each other , and music choice could be a bit more varied (rap rap rap all the time we were there) plus the waitress was not super, she would do the bare minimum, and check her cellphone at the cash without inquiring if we were good or needed anything ... For that reason i just give it 3stars.

  • Siam Rahman

    Siam Rahman


    The Fry is my favorite restaurant on Elgin. I always get the fried chicken in spicy sauce. Portions are absolutely crazy! A single order of chicken can easily feed 2 very hungry people. Not a big fan of their french fries, but the corn with cheesy sauce is really good though as a starter/side.

  • en

    Jared Ally


    Went to The Fry last night and the waitress was extremely rude with tons of attitude! I can't trust people with personalities like that to serve me food, they're unpredictable and you never know what they're capable of. I for one will never return or recommend this spot.

  • en

    Anna Jang


    Food used to be so much better as was service. Server here has attitude and ignored me and my boyfriend when I clearly waved at her while she was watching. She seemed more interested in socializing with her friend who was eating and flirting with other customer. Disappointed.

  • en

    John Doe


    Pretty nice little korean fried chicken joint. The servings are more than enough, and the chicken is so soft despite being fried (green onion boneless chicken). I had no expectations coming here, never looked at the reviews and didn't know this place existed. This place is a pretty good place for fried chicken, but is a little expensive. Service is fast, but the restaurant is quite small. I would come back here in a heartbeat. Very satisfied with everything this place has to offer (price could be lower).

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