The Franklin Hotel i St. John's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Franklin Hotel



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193, Water Street, A1C 1B6, St. John's, Division No. 1, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 709-763-5173
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.564098, Longitude: -52.7069001

kommentar 5

  • en

    June MacNeil


    We were not pleased with our room. The room was bare and uninviting! There was very little service, had to ask for an ice bucket and ice before 7:30 pm. After that, there was no one on site available for our needs; there was a number to call. The location was central but still definitely over priced for the value! Would not stay there again.

  • Phil M

    Phil M


    Nice modern spacious loft feel but still have some serious shortcomings. This is not a place for comfort for more than one person. There was a single chair in my room and a bed so definitely no quality comfort time in the room. Also, if you're looking for a decent place on a budget but you're working BE WARNED. Their "Free Wifi" is about as good as my dial-up in the 90s. Their wifi is terrible, cuts in and out routinely and would definitely never support anything as intensive as streaming Netflix or the likes.

  • en

    Steve Cleland


    Great location downtown = walking distance to George Street very good rain shower quiet and clean beds were very firm good deal for the price

  • TraffikGaming



    I visited a friend while they stayed here and I fell in love with the room designs. The brick wall, headboard lighting and open ceiling joist were such a unique touch and the showers in the bathrooms are amazing! I can't wait til I get to come back here again!

  • markandcin



    The staff here is unbelievably helpful & friendly. Rooms are great, rain-style showers are a huge plus, beds were super comfy. Hotel is right smack in the center of the restaurant district, walking distance to 2 Tim Horton's. Would stay here again in a heartbeat 😊

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