TD Place i Ottawa

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CanadaTD Place


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1015, Bank Street, K1S 3W7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-232-6767
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.3982089, Longitude: -75.6834678

kommentar 5

  • Asia Winkelaar

    Asia Winkelaar


    Nice place are great accoustics for concerts. Although there is absolutely ZERO leg room at all. I'm only 5'5 and my knees were touching the seat in front of me. It is easy to find your seat and the washrooms were very clean and easy to find. I would be unlikely to go to another event here though because of how horribly uncomfortable I was from the total lack of leg room.

  • Sara Kearley

    Sara Kearley


    Go sports!!! My kids and I love to watch soccer, hockey and football here. As well, as I have attended multiple concerts too. I have always had a great experience with the staff here.

  • Kaliber V1

    Kaliber V1


    As a staff member I love it but I will talk about my experience as a guest. They are always more than happy to assist you and if if ever something negative happens they will do anything within their power to turn that into something positive. My family didn't like where we were seated so we talked to one of the staff members and we had received some tickets to a better spot. I really enjoy my time there as a guest and it's always fun to see the teams play. The atmosphere is always lovely.

  • Amgad Abdou

    Amgad Abdou


    One of the lovely places I like to go. Stuff is so friendly and serve you timely. There are plenty of spots to study, read, make your phone calls or have a great time with your friends. Also it's situated in a good region in between different businesses and also have a drive thru so you can take your takeaways faster. Really appreciate that Tim Horton store.

  • Gnomze



    This is a great location for both sporting events and musical shows. I came here mostly for concerts, and the floor tickets are very close to the stage which I appreciated. The entire venue is small enough that most seats have a great view. Would recommend it to anyone who likes music!

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