TD Canada Trust de Ottawa

CanadaTD Canada Trust



🕗 horaire

1200, Saint Laurent Boulevard, K1K 3B8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-745-1588
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4209383, Longitude: -75.6385953

commentaires 5

  • en

    Tara Foster


    Just had the most friendly awesome service. The young lady was very very friendly.

  • en

    Paul Shudlik


    Absolutely horrible experience!!! I went to sign up for a TFSA trading account, not only was the girl 25 mins late for the appointment but she was so unprofessional. Had little to no knowledge of what she was offering me. There was no discussion on what it will cost me or what benefits it has to offer, just rush rush and there were so many errors on my application. She told me 5 days until I can start trading, its been 9 and still not active. I'm so furious! I would NEVER in a million years go back! If I could give it a minus 5, I would!

  • en

    Shawna Mailly


    Good service friendly staff

  • Robyn Chan

    Robyn Chan


    Staff was very rude. The receptionist was eating a peanut butter chocolate bar while serving me and you could smell her breath while she talked. What if a customer was allergic?

  • Carlos Barrera

    Carlos Barrera


    My wife's and my favourite branch. Service was excellent, friend;ly, patient, kind. They always make us feel like the most important client.

Banque la plus proche

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