Tag Along Toys de Ottawa

CanadaTag Along Toys



🕗 horaire

1500, Bank Street, K1H 1A0, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-738-8697
site web: www.tagalongtoys.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3808929, Longitude: -75.670402

commentaires 2

  • en

    Charles Coulombe


    Great store. For its size, I always find something interesting for my kid or nefews (different ages). Really good service and fair prices.

  • Sarah Parke Erochko

    Sarah Parke Erochko


    The customer service here is amazing! The story: Not too long ago, my 2 year old fell in love with a stuffed bunny given to her as a gift. She sleeps with it every night, so I knew I needed to find a backup (to avoid devastation in case Bunny ever got lost or damaged). I couldn't find the right Bunny anywhere, but Tag Along Toys told us that they would be sure to order the right one the next time they placed an order from that company. They took down my information, then followed up two months later when Bunny arrived. Great great customer service! :)

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